Acro Tag

Our Vision

To be the world leading aircraft supplier

Our Mission

Through inspired innovation and passion we provide world leading and sustainable aircraft seating solutions

Our futuristic factory, modern methodologies such as Lean and Kaizen, and ground-breaking engineering combine to keep us ahead in the manufacture of high quality, low weight, competitively priced seating for the global aviation sector.

Behind those tangible assets lie a unique Acro mindset, fully embraced by a team which is always prepared – and uniquely well positioned – to do whatever it takes to please our customers. We have developed a superb range of products, without succumbing to a rigid ‘one size fits all mentality’. Sure, our standard ranges are a fantastic choice but if you want to use them as a starting point to create a seat that’s ‘perfectly yours’, we’ll work with you in a creative, open partnership you just won’t find anywhere else.

Adaptation, enhancement and modification are all in a day’s work for our talented engineering and design teams. When you talk, we listen. And we come up with relevant, practical – and occasionally radical! – solutions, tailored specifically to meet your brief.

Everything we do is underpinned by traditional values, standards and courtesies. We are proud of our integrity and guard it zealously with formal, company-wide commitments to ethical standards and high personal and business principles.

We pledge to be honest and transparent in our dealings with you and your teams; just as we operate across our own extensive and carefully selected supply chain.

You can trust Acro. To deliver. To live up to promises. To be on your side as, together we ‘Fly in the Future’.

Our Attributes

Acro seating is famously reliable and robust with cleverly reduced part counts contributing to ease of maintenance, all backed by our unique AcroCare account management and aftercare support.

Low overall cost of ownership is enhanced by efficient, fast-turnaround santization designed to keep your planes in the air and earning.

Every seat that leaves our factory brings looks that last, together with a unique spatial awareness created by a design team who believe in making every square centimetre work to the max for the traveller’s comfort and your profitability.

Great basic specs are our starting point, with add-on options to reflect your unique brand promise. Don’t see exactly what you want in our made-to-measure range? Talk to us. We delight in agile, collaborative partnerships and our teams are ready to work with your in-house experts to find your optimum balance of weight-comfort-style-value.

At Acro we pride ourselves on having a fresh, agile and open approach and we always look for solutions rather than problems. If you want it, we can do it. Together, we can do great things.