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New Quality Director for Acro

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Steve Skerrett has been appointed to the role of Quality Director at Acro

Steve Skerrett, formerly Quality Director with Collins Aerospace, has been appointed to the role of Director of Quality at Acro, further strengthening the senior team at the fast-growing global aircraft seating company following its move last year to all-new headquarters at Crick in Northamptonshire.

- Announcing the high-profile appointment, Neil Cairns, CEO of Acro, said,

“We are delighted to have Steve on board and look forward to benefiting from his skills, enthusiasm and creativity.  He brings to Acro 25 years’ hands-on experience at the most senior levels of our industry and is an inspiring ambassador for quality and excellence across every element of our business. His input to the company will be immense, contributing significantly to our growth both in scale and in international reputation.”

As Quality Director, Steve Skerrett will champion and lead the company wide Acro quality drive in the delivery of business objectives, playing a critical role in driving positive and sustainable cultural change centred on quality, integrity, compliance, and customer service excellence.


A professional Chartered Engineer, Steve launched his career as Head of Quality Assurance with a prominent aircraft seating company, followed by high profile roles as Quality Director with Goodrich, UTC Aerospace and, most recently, Collins Aerospace.


He has a proven track record in successfully developing and delivering business management systems and product quality improvement in both the automotive and aerospace industries. By establishing standard processes and persistently reducing variation he has delivered cost reductions and efficiency gains leading to significant reductions in operational and supplier defects. Steve’s focus will be on leading and coaching his Acro team to become subject matter experts in critical quality techniques, bringing extensive benefits to operational and business performance.