Acro Tag
Jessica Fang
Jessica Fang - Chief Financial Officer, Head of Operations, Company Secretary

Jessica joined Acro in November 2023 as Finance Director. She oversees the finance and IT functions at Acro, playing a key role within the executive team.

Jess relocated from Shenzhen, China to the UK to assume her role at Acro. She previously lived in the UK from 2000 until 2020, when she returned to China during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jess is a fully qualified charted management accountant (ACMA, CGMA) and received her education in the UK.

Jess has more than 15 years’ financial experience supporting businesses to deliver long-term strategic financial plans and drive profit. She has implemented ERP systems externally and in-house and managed capital investment across medium to large organisations, including PE-backed and Fortune 500 PLC in the UK and China. She brings a wealth of experience in financial management, gained through a diverse range of roles throughout the UK, including a previous spell at Acro in 2018 when she contributed to Acro’s operations in a consultancy capacity.

In her spare time, she enjoys learning different languages and is currently learning Spanish on Duolingo. She loves indulging in good food and baking, despite her admission of not being a very proficient baker! She also likes to run, hike and ski, and loves traveling to new places whenever the opportunity arises.